I’m having some doubts regarding the time people pick up for their conversations with me different from my scheduled conversation time (i.e those I put on my wall) … when I receive the LingQ conversationn request there’s a time chosen by the student (for example a conversation request for 10 am); I have always given for granted that it is my time- Italian time-, but it seems that not for everyone works like that… so when I see a conversation request with a time, is it my time - Italian time- or theirs and I have to calculate the right equivalent time in italy?
The bees have in their kingdom queens, people of noble families and rulers and the vineyard’s kingdom have noble varieties that thrive in almost all geographic locations for wine-sector complementing the weak and of themselves give excellent wines. Mention some of the finest varieties internationalized: Cab (cabernet sauvignon), Merlot, Syrah, Chardonnay
@Tosca - As long as you have selected the correct time zone in your own account settings all times will be displayed in your time zone. If others are having trouble with the TimeZone, perhaps they have set their own TimeZone incorrectly.