The Public Speaker, Five Things To Never Say At Work!

If we do not take in consideration the odd voices, this item can be a good exercise to listen to a fast rate speech…The audio of this item seems to have been uploaded with a wrong rate :slight_smile:

I tried to diminish the speech rate by -20% with Audacity. Voices became more natural, but the speech is yet too fast for me to understand :slight_smile:

Minus 25% would be fine :slight_smile:

I’ve asked Francisco to adjust the frequency for that file. The other two items in the collection are fine but are at a different frequency. You can also open it in Audacity yourself and adjust it there in the meantime. A frequency of 22050 Hz should fix the problem.

Hi everyone.
First of all, I want to apologize for the inconvenience.
Yes, I wrongly uploaded the sound file for this podcast.
Let me try again, meanwhile you can download the sound from this address

As soon I get home I will upload it again correctly.

This is the address…

Hi Everyone,
I uploaded the correct sound file. You can enjoy it now as I did.

Hi Francisco,
No problem, it can happen. – it was a good exercise for listening :wink:

Thanks to have corrected the sound file in the library.

Thank you for fixing it, Francisco. The tips are really useful!