The problem with my browser

Hello everyone!
I use full version of the on my phone. Because mobile add doesn’t have all opportunities that I need. So a few days ago the voice of translation changed. Now it sounds like English words with Russian accent. I tried another browser, but after some time or at once it happens again. I used Opera, chrome, Firefox, yandex and so on. If you know how I can manage it, help me please

Maybe drink water in stead of vodka or simply come back to it after a good sleep. Because I would be surprised if the text to speech wouldn’t be the same for everybody world wide.

@AnnaSi - We have heard that from other users too but we can’t figure out how to reproduce it. Can you try changing your study language from English to Russian and then back again. It sounds like somehow your browser is stuck on Russian as your Text to Speech language. That may help.

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Unfortunately it didn’t help. And I can say that not all page of site is within the phone screen. It happened after appearing new view.

It looks like screen is too small for that site

Hi Anna,

Do you have Google TTS installed on your device? It can be installed from Google Play. Or, if it’s installed already, it needs to be selected as default in your phone settings and it should work fine.


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Sorry if my first message was rude but it actually made no sense to me and still doesn’t. I try to hear 2 russian words to know if I get them with an english accent or maybe a french one since my os and browser are all working in french. Well I didn’t get any word pronounced. So you should be happy to get something even with the wrong accent. Then I try an english lesson to be closer to your experience but unfortunately I don’t have any more free lingq.

You could split the mp3 of the lesson with audacity to make one word mp3 files, until it works better. Or listen to the mp3 at slow pace when reading.

What text to speech does lingq use ? Could it be that it decides that because her phone is in russian language or because it is localised in Russia she should first get result created by Russians ?

Yeah I have Google TTS installed on my device. And I even tryed to reinstall it. But the result has been the same! On my computer everything works correctly in diffrent browsers. It seems like something wrong with my phone, but the rest apps work correctly too. For instance I use google translator and it sounds very good - with normal pronunciation. it doesn’t work only on LingQ. I’m so upset because i can’t use my computer instead the phone…

thank you for the comments. You know i’ve been used LingQ for almost one year. And all that time I’ve been used my phone, preferably. And now , after system update , it doesn’t work correctly. I haven’t changed any settings on lingQ or on my phone. if it had been “because it is localised in Russia” it wouldn’t have worked all time!

Hi Anna,
Can you please check your phone’s settings under “languages” and you should be able to select Google TTS as default there.

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Thanks for your help. I reseted all settings. it helps TTS now works correctlly . I can hear right pronunciation again!

Great, I am glad to hear that!