The president elect speaking English

Do you think he’s fluent in English?

Sounds good to me.

He’s pretty good (certainly by French politician standards! :-D) I believe he spent some years in London working for a big bank, didn’t he? So it shouldn’t really come as a surprise if he speaks English well.

As for all of these reforms that he is promising to deliver, yeah well, I seem to remember hearing exactly the same stuff from Sarkozy. But the reality of massive institutional inertia kind of caught up with him, didn’t it? I’m sceptical as to whether it’ll be any different for this dude.

Absolument! The guy speaks better than Trump! :slight_smile: He’s not a native speaker, but I could listen to him all day; he communicates very well. Can’t say I can discuss pragmatic approaches, naive optimism etc in any foreign language like he can yet.

For Prinz_Brexiteer’s benefit, edited :slight_smile:

(…censored at the request of Julz…)

Sounds good to you, but not fluent?

“He’s pretty good (certainly by French politician standards! :-D) I believe he spent some years in London working for a big bank, didn’t he? So it shouldn’t really come as a surprise if he speaks English well.”

Meaning, he’s fluent?

“Absolument!” Got it.

“And yes, for Prinz_Brexiteer’s benefit, I think Emmanuel looks hot as hell :)”

Wait! This job is a killer.You’ll see him after his first quinquennat.

My definition of fluent is that you are able to speak the language without stumbling over every other word, that you pronounce well enough to be understood, and that you are able to phrase yourself well enough to be understood. Trying to sound like a native isn’t part of my goals. In fact, I’m playing this game called “Papers please” in Russian now and I read everything out loud, and I suspect that I probably don’t sound too good when speaking Russian with a somewhat broken R, overly aspirated consonants, and the wrong vowel here and the wrong stress position there. It just seems impossible to me to learn to speak perfectly. I didn’t understand everything he said but then again some natives are difficult to understand too and I probably didn’t know all the words. By and large he sounded good.

Yes, he’s fluent.

They always age, don’t they. Four-hour sleep business etc.

For sure he’s fluent!

I think one could be a lot worse than him and still be fluent. Fluency is about speaking without hesitation and being able to communicate and express ideas in a fairly wide range. It isn’t about attaining absolute perfection or having zero trace of foreign accent, or completely avoiding any mini-errors or stylistic awkwardness (things which almost nobody achieves - unless he/she spends decades in a country where the target language is spoken.)

This is a very good rating for president Emmanuel. He’d be pleased to hear this.

I’d say he only has a slight foreign accent and speaks in a pretty natural and authentic way. (I think it is clear that he is a foreigner, however.)

If he is only sleeping for 4 hours what is he doing in bed for the other 3 hours each night? :smiley:

(Sorry, I couldn’t desist…)

One hour is still missing though.

you can love who you want but to say she is hot you have a granny fetish don’t you ? because she really does look her age

Yes he’s definitely fluent. If he wanted to improve he could do with tidying some areas of speech up but he’s very articulate.

Nobody said his wife was hot.

I think his wife WAS hot…about 35 years ago…! :stuck_out_tongue: