The polyglot club

Here is an interview with Luca on French TV where they talk about the Polyglot club. Hs anyone attended any of their meetings? Where?

Thank you for giving me this information. I will enjoy watching this video. If I were in Paris, I would attend their meetings.

Thank you. I enjoyed the video. I was able to understand about 50 % or more. Steve, when I see this I really hope we can have a LingQ meeting in Berlin :wink:

Vera, I will be there. Look forward to getting together with as many people as is possible. When we get closer to the date I will talk about it at my youtube channel etc.

Okay. I’ll write something in the German forum, and hope to find others interested in a meeting too. What about Mark?

Listening to the following explanation, I finally knew Luca’s occupation.

Luca est italien. Le jeune homme devrait être ingénieur spécialiste des accélélateurs de particule mais il en a décidé autrement, dévoré une passion l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. (Sorry for having made certain mistakes)

He really speaks French like native speakers

But I don’t know exactly “la passion féminine” which Luca mentioned during the interview although I am able to guess approximatively what it is.

Apparently there was a polyglot meeting in Berlin on 6th June. Did anyone attend?

posted on wrong thread

It will probably just be me, since I will already by in Europe. Maybe next year we will try to exhibit there and Mark will come at that time.

I hope Mark can make it. I’ve created a thread in the German forum about this:


I think “Le jeune homme devrait être ingénieur spécialiste des accélélateurs de particule” means he “would have become such an engineer” ”なるはずでしたのに”(?)

I am not sure if “la passion feminine” is a normal French construction, but it is easy to guess in this context :slight_smile:

I liked the fact that Luca is saying it takes him around two years per language (the presenter points this out), ie not just three months.

I think Benny likes the fact that you give him so much free publicity.

Doo - If you notice carefully you will seeI never refer to him under his real name exactly for those reasons.

What a great club :slight_smile:

@dooo, I think “devrait” the presenter points out is the conditional verb that means first conditional in English. That means Luca is not really an engineer now.

Yes. That’s what I meant in my post. Maybe I misunderstood your previous post.

Luca is not an engineer. He was never an engineer. He was planning on being one but switched to language learning.