The Library, Lessons, and LingQ Reader

Where the magic and fun happens!

Successful students will spend the vast majority of their time in the Library, reading and listening to lessons.
The most crucial use of LingQ happens in the Library and LingQ Reader.

Students will spend a small fraction of their time doing LingQ flashcard reviews, and the vast majority listening, watching videos and reading.
Pro tip:
LingQs are only created while reading, and this is the essential function of LingQ: Acquiring new vocabulary in context.
The LingQ Reader is customizable to meet each student's needs. Personalize the appearance and functionality, learn the keyboard shortcuts, and find your ideal state.
If any student is unsure of how to use LingQ, have them watch all four of these videos.

A Brief Overview of LingQ.

Library - How to find lessons in the LingQ Library.

Reader - How to complete a lesson on LingQ.

Advanced Reader Settings & Options - How to customize your LingQ experience.