The "Alt Right"?

There was a piece on the news the other day about how young people across Europe and North America are embracing radical rightwing politics in ever increasing numbers.

In Germany and Austria, for example, there is something called the “Identitäre Bewegung”. These people insist that they are not racists anti-semites or extremists - but their own videos do a pretty darned good job of making them look like a Hitler Youth for the 21st century!

If this kind of thing actually catches on and spreads, then we would have to ask ourselves whether Merkel’s legacy in history is an achievement of the apparently impossible - a reactivation of National Socialism!? Gulp! :-0

Do you mean right wing like Republicans or Libertarians in America? Sorry, sometimes things switch in different countries.

Wow, they mentioned something about a “reconquista.” Pretty rough stuff.

This is a good question. Things are kind of fragmenting and realigning right now in all kinds of weird ways. Some people say the Alt Right is a kind of assorted coalition containing some Classical Liberals, some Tea Party-ers, some mainstream Conservatives, and yeah, maybe some open Neo-Nazis too (albeit on the fringes.)

Scary brew man! (As Pepe the Frog might say…)

True, you shouldn’t go 2 far right on the political spectrum.

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Right - blame it all on the Germans.

Just don’t mention the war…

In fairness, it should be said that the dude from the “Identitäre Bewegung” strongly denies being a racist, etc.

(But they do give out a pretty alarming ‘vibe’ though - as I said above.)

It’s not the germans fault, it’s all the major players. The globalized economy has left behind the middle class in the developed world. - YouTube

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In the states, Trump was the match that lit the gasoline that Fox news and the republican party have been pouring on for years. Read here as Chomsky predicts this 6 years ago.

It’s all about balance. You need to have conservative minded people and progressives to work together. Bernie sanders was basically a centrist/ slightly center left but in the states he is considered a left wing radical because the spectrum has shifted so for to the right.

The great sadness for me, is the consistency at which human beings resort to tribal. scapegoating of “the other” when things start to go sour. It has happened time and time again throughout history.

I think these far right movements are reactions to far left movements.

Not National Socialism! If you people actually knew anything of what living in NS society was actually like (ie, if you’d read anything except propaganda) you would know that it would be preferable to the sick society we currently live in where degeneracy, laziness and idiocy flourish. A society where you can have your dick chopped off and call yourself a woman even though you are not and never will be a woman, yet me, Mr White Man who wants to have a wife who cooks for him and a son who keeps his penis because chopping it off is subnormal is somehow the one with the problem. Hilarious.

You people are mentally ill. And ill informed. Not a one of you even knows what ‘fascism’ actually means and will call a ‘racist’ a ‘fascist’. David Cameron has been called a fascist. As had Bush. And Obama. And others.

You’re all idiots.

Not in the U.S. there is truth to this, but even f you expelled every refugee and immigrant and put up walls you wouldn’t fix the real problems of the middle class.

Dude, what in god’s name are you talking about?

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This is my response to your post. What in God's holy name are you blathering about? - YouTube

No, no, in fairness he has a point. In fact, I decided it deserved a more thorough video response:

" you would know that it would be preferable to the sick society we currently live in where degeneracy, laziness and idiocy flourish. A society where you can have your dick chopped off and call yourself a woman even though you are not and never will be a woman, yet me, Mr White Man who wants to have a wife who cooks for him and a son who keeps his penis because chopping it off is subnormal is somehow the one with the problem."

This is the part I have no idea what he is talking about. I don’t see what this nonsensical rant about trans rights has to do with anything.