Thanks to Evgueny

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to just visit a new country,talk to people about their cities,their family life etc…Most of us don’t have that luxury,even if we had,we wouldn’t have a chance to talk to people.But we can listen their cities,their countries in advance…Thanks to Evgueny,we can listen to LingQ members from different countries. Because, they are talking each other their own culture as well as their own lives.In fact, I think,it is such a clever idea.Thanks.
Perhaps,you already know the collection,please check it out;

Yes, I’ve been enjoying these conversations as well. I keep my eye out for the new German conversations in particular.

Thanks, dear friends! I’m going to continue my CONVERSATIONS- GESPRÄCE- РАЗГОВОРЫ respectively in English, German and Russian.
Besides, I can recommend for all, not only for Russian learners, but for all who would like to become familier with Russian culture and enjoy true art - my collection on the Russian Library “РУССКИЕ НАРОДНЫЕ ПЕСНИ И РОМАНСЫ”.(RUSSIAN FOLKSONGS)
I remember that I began to be interested in English with songs by Beatls and Frank Sinatra, maybe you’ll start to be interested with Russian after these Russian songs?..
And for the Russian learners I’ve just prepared a podcast in History “СТРАНИЦЫ РУССКОЙ ИСТОРИИ - КИЕВСКАЯ РУСЬ” and some new lessons for beginners in the collection ‘FIRST STEPS’(ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ)

Урок очень интересн. Спасибо!

THANK YOU, Evgueny! I love Russian folk songs and would love to know/hear more. Recently a group called the Russian Duo came to my area. It was comprised of a Russian gentleman on balalaika, and an American woman on the piano. They did traditional Russian songs, Hungarian songs, some American ones, and adapted classical French and Italian pieces. It was fantastic and really left me wanting to hear more Russian folk song.

And, as I’ve mentioned, I love the conversations too. I’m really enjoying hearing German spoken from different regions.