System not working correctly

When I view a lesson on 1 page, instead of 2. (You know, by clicking the blue arrows to hide the 2nd bit) I oftern have problems when clicking on words, sometimes for no apparent reason ALL words are no longer clickable, I can’t give hints to words. I have to refresh the webpage to fix the problem.

Is this a known issue?

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this! In the minimized view (with the dashboard hidden), you just need to hover over words instead of actually click them, and this should open the popup.

If this happens again, would you be able to open up the error console (Using The Browser Error Console - Garden Gnome) in your browser and let us know if any errors are showing? If you see errors (in red) just take a screenshot and send it in an email to support (at) and we’ll take a closer look to see if we can figure out what would be causing this!

Thanks, that information doesn’t work on a mac though. I enabled developer mode but there is no Develop > Show Error Console under Preferences > Advanced in Safari.

It should look something like this: