Switching the languages

Hi! I’ve been learning English for a while and immerse myself in my private world of creating the English listening community by English movie, podcast and reading. This have been so much fun and rewarding. I enjoy the independent learning of English. That way I could choose any content I find interested in. That is so much better than learning passively in classes since what everything we do independently with English comes primarily from curiosity, passion and enjoyment.

However, in the long run, you may feel bored in learning a language, since I think perhaps you have reached the plateau and feel like nothing is improving. I sometimes feel like this way, but anyway keep going.

But, I’ve come up with the idea with Steve’s part of the advice about may be getting yourself a little bit away from the language you’re learning and choose another one to enjoy.

I’ve seen it with myself recently. I myself being a Chinese-Burmese living in Burma and my childhood family background of speaking Chinese all the time in my household, especially with my grandparents, plus having been studying Chinese when I was growing up, I kind of have a little difficulty in listening and speaking Chinese. But, I would say that for a while back, I forget myself about the Chinese movies and reading Chinese books, I make myself learning English intensively by creating my own world of English language exposure. I read in English, listen to English podcast in my iPod from time to time and enjoy watching movies from time to time(mostly stick on a particular podcast & movie and review it several times). That’s been relaxing and I enjoy them.

But, as you have been doing the same activity for a long time (in this case learning English), it is quite normal that you may feel like a little bit boring. I sometimes feel like that. So in that case, I’d find myself delibrately listening to Chinese songs. After that, I return to English leaning, listening. When I come back to English this time, I feel like a breath of fresh air and feel a variety of languages.

Oh! I may have written quite a lot. What I’ve been trying to say is that when you feel like you are stuck in a single language learning, just a little switching into another language(I’d say e.g listening to the songs) makes you feel better and getting more energy and excitement to come back to a target language you try to master. :wink:

Any other ideas and comments on this. I’d like to hear. Thank you all! Enjoy your language learning. ;D

What an interesting account of your approach to language learning! Thank you. I, too, switch languages occasionally if I feel I am getting in a rut.

Hi Sanne, I’m glad to hear from you. How many and what languages are you learning?
I’m learning English and I love it. English opens the whole world to me (to everybody, I think) since it is an international language. I do enjoy listening to the podcast and getting to understand more about the international issues and people around the world. That’s such a rewarding experience.

About switching language, at this point, I want to stress one thing. As my target language right now is English, I focus almost all of my energy to learning English. And I ENJOY it and I LOVE it. Just sometimes , something pops up in my mind that I’ll listen to Chinese songs which I do for a few minutes and then keep going with English learning. :slight_smile:

Psychology, as Steve and all the researches state importantly, is vital to language mastery. It is very very important for you to manage your emotion. So, it is very important that you fall in love with language learning, and keep going.

Ok. :smiley: I am just restating it to reinforce my love of learning English.