
Maybe one day put a ‘purgatory’ (for lack of better word) into LingQ where we can put words that we may want to re-introduce later. Now, we can only choose them as a Lingq, “I know this word”, or “ignore word”.
Certain words that I come across that are too advanced or rare, I would like to put them somewhere other than those three places. I don’t want to clog my brain with rare words, and clog up my review sessions with words I dont want to see. I also don’t want to ‘ignore’ them or mix them with 'I know this word". Lingqing them puts them into the review rotation, which I dont want.

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When I encounter new words/constructions on LingQ, I always prioritize what I want to learn (1) immediately and independently (when I speak and write), (2) sufficiently to recognize in a context but I don’t need to spend extra effort to learn it so that I can use it independently, and (3) perhaps some day but not at my present level or the words/phrases are regarding subjects that I don’t anticipate talking/writing/reading about in the near future. For the first group, I write sentences with the constructions I want to know and use now and then say them out loud. I use the “cloze” review (fill in the blank) and dictation review for these words/phrases, because both require a solid knowledge of the meaning. For the second group, I will review the new words/phrases in a multiple choice review which is the easiest to answer because I can eliminate what I know is NOT an appropriate answer. I do not use them in the dictation or “cloze” reviews as these require a better understanding of the words and grammatical construction and this is not important to me right now. For the third group, I might just “skip” the review entirely if the word/phrase is really off of my radar for the present or I may review when it comes up in a multiple choice if I feel inclined. However, I won’t choose to review the word after several days after I’ve done the lesson since it’s just not important to me right now.
For example, I want to recognize “plum” in a context about fruit and will do a multiple choice review but don’t need to practice “effigy” (this word came up in a lesson about a holiday).
Thus, I can choose the kind of review I want to do based on my immediate goal for learning the word/phrase. (Go into Settings to choose what kind of reviews you want to do.) Who cares if a word comes up that I don’t want to know right now, just hit “skip”!

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