Suggestion: Option to freeze SRS schedule

I’m not sure if someone suggested something similar before but here goes. I make extensive use of the vocab review feature, so I end up creating something like 50 Lingqs per day. For me that’s very manageable because at most I’ll have 200-250 linqs to review per day. The biggest downside for me though is that if I skip a couple of days (due to being busy with life or sick) I’ll end up with several hundred Lingqs due for review and it can quickly become overwhelming.

So I was wondering if we could have a feature where we get the option to freeze the schedule for all your Lingqs (or at least selected ones). So let’s say I have a Lingq that is due for review in two days but I freeze the schedule. Then I wait a week to unfreeze it, and the moment I unfreeze it, the review would be due two days after unfreezing it.

Would anyone else like to have this feature, or at least something similar?

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A feature like that is not in plans at the moment.

In fact, we don’t recommend this type of review for all your LingQs. You should be creating more LingQs than you can possibly review this way. It’s far more efficient to learn this vocabulary by seeing it in multiple contexts over time. The important words will reoccur more frequently and will be learned soonest, and the other words will be learned over time. In effect, you review naturally as you move on to new lessons.

Reviewing this way, in context, is actually far more efficient and will allow you to learn the tens of thousands of words you need much more quickly and in a way that you will actually retain them.

Having said that, the review tools are there and can help you get started, or for a change of pace sometimes to do something different while still learning. Or, to help you focus on specific vocabulary lists which you can create by tagging LingQs and then filtering for these tags in the Vocabulary section. Do what you enjoy but heavy memorization is not really necessary.

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