Suggestion: an any language option

There has been discussion, especially on a recently active thread, about adding new languages early to lingQ. The reply being that the costs dont outweigh the benefits. I get that the cost of developing content and software for a language takes time and money, and that is a cost each time a new language is added. However why not add a section where you can add any language, this could be with no promise of fixing bugs, or providing content, simply let the person set up the language and link an online dictionary. a bit like the beta languages but less commitment, gamma languages if you will. it could draw in more people to lingQ, granted i don’t actually know how easy this would be to implement but considering the want for more languages shown in the community, and that you guys have essentially been rebuilding lingQ in 5.0, it would possibly be a good business decision to do so, even if it was only added in lingQ 5.0, although if added before could appease the frustration of people asking for more languages added.


Thanks for your suggestion. I don’t think something like that is in plans at the moment. But maybe one day. Once we launch 5.0 version we will have more time to focus on other things.

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