Study with me on lingq video

Hi everyone! I’ve noticed that a lot of Lingq users often post questions on how to use Lingq, how people like to save words, the criteria they use, etc.
With these questions in mind, I decided to make a study with me video to show a typical session on Lingq.
I don’t consider myself to be a power-user, but I’ve been using lingq pretty intensively in order to study with different kinds of contents (audio, video and text-based).
Of course, this is the method that works for me, other people might like to use lingq differently.
In the video I’m going to show you how I use Lingq to read a novel in Korean. You’ll notice that my reading style is pretty much word and expression-centric. This is because whenever I’m reading, I really get interested in words and their meaning, so instead of focusing on reading fluidity, I like to spend my time researching words (at least the first time I read a text). This is also due to the fact that I’ve studied philology at university, and I still use some of the methodologies I’ve learned in my lingqing.
Btw, you can also use this video as company during your lingqing!


Great content, Clara.

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Thank you Eric!!

Cool video! And many good resources! I had no idea TTMIK had a new channel with 100% Korean. The new series looks even better than 이야기 to me. Also fyi, the link to the Naver blog looks like it is pointing to the comics. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for pointing that out! I’ll fix it immediately :slight_smile: and yes, the new series feels like they are really speaking natural Korean, compared to the Iyagi, where I still have the feeling like they were still watering down vocabulary and syntax.

Your known words count in Korean is above 12000. At what level this novel you are reading is aimed for? As I see you are still coming across a lot of unknown words.

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I’ve just finished your previous video on flashcards and it was almost a chillout experience. :smiley:

I save this for later although I have no intention to learn Korean at all. But Chinese yes, after German.

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This is native content, so technically there’s no “level” attached to it.
Moreover, the level of a native text can be judged upon a lot of variables: some text can be rich in the variety of vocabulary used, but have pretty simple syntax (i.e. Wikipedia), whereas other texts might have a narrower, simpler range of words but a pretty convoluted syntax, so it depends. The presence of realia highly influences the perceived difficulty of content, too.

Keep in mind that Korean is a highly inflected language, so you’ll still find lots of blue words anyway, even if you know the word stem.

I don’t really pay attention to the blue word/yellow word percentages whenever I’m reading or listening, though. I just like to choose content I like and work my way through it, regardless of its difficulty.

I’m sorry I couldn’t give a straightforward answer to it, but these are things I don’t really pay attention to whenever I’m reading.

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Hahaha, that’s kinda my goal: talking about language learning and relaxing at the same time :slight_smile:

Anyway, that video can be applied to almost any language, really. It’s just there to show you how I deal with texts.
I’m thinking I could try to make different ones with other languages I speak, even though I’ve rarely used Lingq for them…

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