Study sentence - vanished

I have a premium account and all of a sudden the study sentence option when doing mini-stories has vanished?

Is there a setting to switch this on and off perhaps?

That’s weird, the button to switch between page/sentence view is still there. Do you still have issue? Are you on the latest app version? Maybe try to logout/login back and let me know if that helps.

Hi, I’m also having a problem with the dictionary now. I’m unable to access translations for many words.

So, I deleted the App and reinstalled it but it was still the same. I then discovered one sentence in mini-lesson 29 (Croatian) is the culprit. If you press Hide Vocabulary the Study Sentence button disappears which is expected, but in this one sentence when you click Show Vocabulary the Study Sentence button does not reappear as it does with all other sentences, which then affects the entire App.

I changed the Theme to Light and then it started working again.

Can you please record a video of that issue and sent it to support(at) That would be very helpful. Thanks!