Students can't open imported lesson lessons

I make and share (privately) many lessons with my students. They are mostly videos that I import from YouTube. (I always add extracted audio in separately so students have a choice between listening with or without video.)

Students are reporting that some lessons they cannot open. Instead they receive the message that the lesson is being simplified. The problem is 1) they have not chosen this option because they have never opened the lesson before and 2) the problem doesn’t go away. They are never able to open that lesson.

In addition, the students do not experience this with the same lessons. Some can open a lesson and some cannot. AND for one student, on one lesson at least, the problem was resolved when she switched from her phone to her computer.

I am waiting for more details about whether the device they are using plays a part for everybody.

I cannot reproduce the problem on my computer. I am able to open them all because I am the “creator”.

Is this a known problem? Is there a fix?

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We are not familiar with the issue, we will investigate. Thanks for reporting.

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Based on their reports, I believe this is happening when they use their phones. I know that two students are Android users.


Thanks, we’ll check that.

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Hi @Jingle!
Can you please send me an example of such lesson in a private message? It would help to reproduce and inspect the issue.

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Emailing you the link.


Also having this problem. Any update?

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@brettannelin What is your Classroom name?

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Not for a classroom specifically. But when I import lessons from YouTube, they perpetually say that the AI is simplifing it even though I havent selected that option.

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That’s strange, we’ll look into it.

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