Still no new courses in Italian, Russian

The Library is an important place for newcomers who want to understand what LingQ is all about. The Courses shelf is one way of helping newcomers navigate all of our great content. Thanks to all of those who have created courses.

Now if we could get some courses in Russian and Italian that would be great.

We even have a new course in Portuguese, thanks to Alex. I am hoping that some others will pitch in there.

Swedish and Korean are the weak sisters in terms of content. Alex is working on Korean and we may have something soon. Swedish, well…anyone out there who can help?

I haven’t been able to think of any possible courses in Italian.

I’ve created some Russian courses :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot Rasana. That’s great!

Anything is a course Michele. Your “Italian in Sofia” collection is a course, one for beginners and one for Intermediate and better learners. The course shelf is just a way to make these collections more obvious and more appealing to our members.