Stay Curious, Stay Young: The Power of Lifelong Learning & Membership options :)


I agree, staying curious and learning new things is a wonderful approach to life! Especially when it comes to languages!

So how about a lifetime membership scheme which allows to study any language at any time convenient?

This would be a wonderful school graduation present for somebody who loves travelling, other cultures, and languages :slight_smile:

I found a lifelong membership scheme for one language - but nothing which allows to stay curious about them all… Also, reading about the topic I have the impression that even for people with several lifelong subscriptions the monthly / annual / biannual pro membership fee stays the same…

So how about giving reductions? For the first lifelong membership you pay the whole price; for the second 20% less. The third is provided at only 40% of the original fee - and for the fifth, you get a 60% reduction. The sixth finally is reduced by 80% and you get all the others as well :sunny:

A similar scheme could be used for the monthly / annual / biannual membership fees: Every year gets cheaper until you finally get a free loyalty membership…

Of course, combinations would be nice as well: With one lifelong membership you get 20% on the monthly / annual / biannual fee etc…


There is no monthly fee with a lifetime membership as long as you stick to that language.
I think the price for lifetime of a language is very reasonable since it takes so long to become fully proficient in a language.

However, if you advance in a language as far as you think lingq is beneficial and you want to start up a new language, my understanding is that they’re willing to transfer your lifetime membership to the new language. Obviously, you would lose all the material for the previous one.


Hi Mycroft - thanks for your answer! So the real problem seems to be that I am not matching the expected type of user then :slight_smile: I am curious about languages in general and love to “experiment” with lots of them in the same time - and without necessary wanting to learn them (…which might happen anyway). For a monthly subscription my usage is to irregular; and the lifetime subscription seems to be rather for the typical language learner focusing on one or two languages. Looking at the number of languages provided I thought lingq would be the right tool for me. Actually, it probably is - but not the subscription scheme :slight_smile: Anyway, I agree, the lifetime subscription really is a great value for people focusing on one or two languages at a time…


By now I actually own three lifetime memberships - and you are right, they are worth their price!

But when I saw the black friday offer I thougt about a normal time based membership again. Unfortunately, in this case my 229 * 3 = 687 Dollar investment then would have been in vain :slight_smile:

So finally I did not subscribe…

Sometimes money does not make the world go round.

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Does LingQ really suit your usage? Language Reactor, or just using YouTube directly are alternatives.

Hey Leif, thanks for your response and for mentioning the Language Reactor!

I am actually the inventor! - Only that somebody else was much faster in implementing it - and actually without even knowing about me or my ideas :frowning: No, this should be a :slight_smile: as he saved me an incredible amount of time and frustration :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think LingQ does suit my interests - but its price-tag unfortunately does not. It would if I was interested in only a finite number of languages - but I actually love the always new: Infinity!

I already paid more than 600 bugs - while still being limited to only three languages. I would need 20 languages at least, but I know already that I would be interested in language number 21 immediately after paying the necessary 4580 Dollar!

That said, I think language reactor is an incredibly usefull and really amazing tool as well!!!

There is also (at least when it comes to Chinese) Jon Long’s “Language Player” ( ). Similar to the Language Reactor but made explicitely for Chinese.

I wonder how these guys use AI to generate their translations. Translating all these texts should accumulate and become expensive when the user base gets larger. Are they somehow based on free AI tools? Do they have a special contract? I don’t have any idea…

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