Split the "playback slowly" (turtle icon) and normal speed playback buttons in sentence mode

It’s annoying to have to delicately tap that button every single time.

Also, add in ability to control playback speed for the slow playback, as we do have already for the full playback player.


Thanks for your feedback and suggestion.

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And now on Chrome we can easily control the speed in sentence mode. Thanks Zoran!


What can I use to cover the distraction of the button that changes to a black box every sentence? Or maybe LingQ can fix the distraction?

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Hi @bbbblinq Could you please provide screenshot of “button that changes to a black box every sentence”, as I am not sure I got you right. Thanks.
In general pressing the Play Sentence Audio button changes the look of the button to a Stop button. Pressing the button while the audio is playing stops the audio and reverts the button back to a Play button.

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The black box is distracting. Greek is hard enough without distractions. The sentence, black box and translation pop up at different times. I read 300 sentences a day. It’s not helpful.

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I have covered the black box with lego. This should not be necessary.

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