Spiritual Journey

It is the time to say truth of life. I had never felt like this in my whole life. Now I am 34 years old. Since last five years I have learned alot in my life. I had took my life as struggle and was assumed that I am learning and I am acheiving. Since 2004, I felt that whatever we are doing, actually we are not doing. Someone is behind us who is directing us to do so. He knows everything. If we want to know the future then we should open our spiritual eyes & ears. and then we will see and listen the orders of him. Now the question is that How can we open our spiritual eyes and ears? it is very simple but appears us very tough. It seems like that after a century we are awake. It is endless for learn , for watch ,for feel. but once we saw holy light or heared holy sound.

I don’t know exactly the end of this journey but confirms it as aim of our birth. It is an unknown language which has unlimited vocabulary.
