Speak to natives

Hi everybody
im new member i joined this forum to improve my languge
i need to speak with any native may this will improve my communication skills please help me

this is my e-mail (khitamgis@hotmail.com) anyone like to help me please add me to his\her messanger

thank you all

Hello, today I am a new member, I hope to get good develop to my poor english language. My name is Thuraya. I am from Oman, and like english language. So anyone can give me advise, I will be wellcome of him/her.

In order to get started, you should go to the Store, choose a content item to study and then read it in Workdesk. While you are reading, you should highlight words and phrases that you don’t know or that you have problems using correctly, and then click the blue LingQ logo. The LingQ widget will then open up and you will see a dictionary definition of any word you save (there will not be a definition for phrases). You can then review your words and phrases in the Vocabulary section by using the flashcards. It is also very important that you listen to the audio file that is available for every content item. You should listen for at least 1 hour per day.

I recommend that you watch the video demos that are on each page to help you better understand how to use LingQ. There are also instructions in the Getting Started window that is on every page. Please see my screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/6Li7acqcj9.

Thanx Jillian, I will do. God bless you.

hi everybody.I am a new member,too.I want join this forum in order to improve my english…writing is good way for speaking skill,if you do not have chance to speak native speaker