SPANISH: Lots of lessons containing only 4 sentences per lesson

@Steve - Thanks. I wanted to bring the lessons to Fasulye’s attention so I didn’t use “share” since she is not one of my followers. But I didn’t think of using sending an email link. I’ll have to try that.

As far as finding things, maybe I should have said that I can’t find quickly. Eventually, after enough random clicking, I probably manage to find most things. My biggest problem has been finding lessons by specific providers. I suppose I should just follow them, and then I could go to their page quickly and hope they have their lessons posted there - which most of the prolific providers do.

But to find things through the library seems pretty random. For example, I wanted to find Alsuvi’s Improvisaciones…I typed “alsuvi” in the library search box and only one course came up, and it wasn’t the right one. Then I clicked on his name in the course description, figuring that would take me to his page where I thought he had his courses listed. Instead, I was kept in the library, and a list of all of his courses came up. Bingo!

In the German library, I had better luck today when I typed “Vera” in the search box. I think all of her material showed up right away. Other times that has not worked.

Finding the Guillermo/Mariano podcasts is more difficult. Somehow, I stumbled on them a few hours ago, but I don’t know how to find them now. I know they are provided by Lingq. If I type in SpanishLingq I just get “Eating Out”.

So, anyway, I don’t particularly need to find these things just now, but these are examples of my search problems.

The Library is not working quite as well as it should, and we hope to clear this up this coming week.

I principle you should be able to use search for a variety of things by typing in the search box at the top, to find a provider, to search for a specific lesson, or search by a key word. It seems a little hit and miss, but works fine for me most of the time.

You should also be able to click on the name of the person who shared a lesson, right in the lesson box, to find all of his or her lessons. This seems to work only for Lessons and not for Courses and Playlists. There is the odd error message flashing on the screen for some reason as well, but I just ignore them.

As for Guillermo and Mariano, I typed Guillermo in the search box and their podcasts came up.

So I think the Library needs a bit of cleaning up of some loose ends. I also appreciate comments from people so that we make sure that we address as many of these concerns as we can.

Thanks for inquiring. Despite a few glitches, the new Lingq works nicely. And just yesterday, I visited with a German speaking friend whom I hadn’t talked for a long time. I’ve never before been able to understand her when she speaks German. This time I got about 80% - due largely, of course, to my LingQ studies.

Thanks for the recommendation of Spanish podcasts, Jingle. I have just decided to follow you, so If you want to share some interesting Spanish podcasts with me, its now possible.


I’ve tried to share some links with you, Fasulye. I hope you get them! I don’t see them on your wall, but I suppose they are somewhere!

There are no recommendations on my wall but I have looked under the “Timeline” where there are the “Recommended Lessons”. and there I see for example two lessons of the provider Prof. Kelm of Argentina.


Weird! I’m pretty sure Prof Kelm has nothing to do with these lessons since the ones I posted are provided by Lingq.

If you are still interested in the lessons I was trying to recommend, it looks like the links appear on MY wall. (I truly do not understand this sharing system!)

Jingle, you are not alone! I don’t even know where to find my wall…

@Jingle - When you share, it is posted on your wall where others can then find it in the Activity List on the Friends page which lists wall posts from everyone’s walls. You can use the filters on the Friends page to filter the Activity List to find the posts you are interested in.

@SanneT - Your wall is on your profile page where it always was. Only now it’s in the middle of the page.

I know, I know :slight_smile: It’s just that I prefer a plain old wall, there are too many colourful distractions on my profile (and I am not talking about my photo.

@Mark: If someone writes on my wall and I answer to this post, is there a notification for him/her? Or does he/she come back to my wall to see the answer?

@Vera - Yes, any comments on posts include notification emails and notification notices on your Timeline.

Ok, let’s see if I get it now. The 3 options for sharing are as follows:

  1. I share a lesson publicly. It appears on my wall and on the friends page visible to everyone.

  2. I share a lesson with my “friends”. It appears on my wall and the friends page but is only visible to friends.

  3. I share a lesson by email. It appears in someone’s inbox.

Email sharing is the only way to send a link to one specific person and know s/he will see it. The other two methods depend on the person, by chance, looking at the right place or on my telling them to go look for a link. (In the case of my trying to share with Fasulye, BTW, email sharing wouldn’t have worked because her email address isn’t visible.)

Do I have it clear now?

(I quess what has been confusing is that I was trying to replicate the old system’s method of targeting a specific person with a link.)

@Jingle - If you really want to alert people to lessons you have shared you can post on their walls to let them know about the lesson you have shared. We are figuring out a way for users to be able to alert specific users to posts they are making but you can’t do that yet.

Jingle, please have a look on your own wall, I gave you my e-mail address. Please try again to share your Spanish lessons with me! I am looking forward…

Kind regards,
