SPANISH: Lots of lessons containing only 4 sentences per lesson

There is a content provider IDEL who has put a whole series with many, many lessons called “Talking about pets” into the Spanish library, whereas every such lesson contains only 4 sentences. The lessons are labelled with level “Intermediate 1”, and I find this ridiculous:

  1. To share lessons with only 4 sentences
  2. To call such 4 sentences “Level Intermediate 1”

I myself co-produce German lessons on the level “Intermediate 1”, so I can estimate very well, what this language level should look like!

Here are two links of such lessons as examples:

  1. Talk about... pets-03. Voy a regalarle un animal de compañía


(shared by IDEL)


What exactly is ridiculous about them? My opinion is that they are exactly where they should be. Intermediate and higher levels have few good, short lessons. Sometimes I prefer to listen to shorter content with more advanced or specialized vocabulary. Length does not determine difficulty; providers do. You’re qualified to determine the level on your own content, not on others’.

I must say I also prefer longer lessons as an intermediate. However, the length and content of the lessons is up to the provider. It is up to the learner to decide which kind of lessons they prefer to study.

I remember reading that members have stopped creating lessons due to the fact that they didn’t get “paid” by the length of the lesson. I didn’t matter if a lesson was 30 seconds long or 20 minutes. Therefore I can very well understand Fasulye’s comment.

My complaint is related to the usage of the search function. When I just tick “Intermediate 1” and “Intermediate 2” I see shere masses of these lessons provided by IDEL and when I check them I see only 4 sentences per lesson.

So my only chance to avoid being flooded which such types of lessons is that I don’t tick “Intermediate 1” or “Intermediate 2” but instead a topic such as “Science”, “History” “Member Voices” because the library already gets confused when I tick the level “Intermediate” PLUS a certain topic such as “Science”. So I don’t have such options in the present technical state of the library.

Then the search function of the library should function better! When the LingQ - library gets confused, my whole computer is disabled, I can’t open any other program then, nor Facebook, nor Twitter or anything else.


I agree that this is a problem. There are still some issues in the library and we hope to fix them soon to make the library more functional.

I agree that this is a problem. There are still some issues in the library and we hope to fix them soon to make the library more functional.

Yes, this would help me a lot, because before the update LingQ 2.0, I could handle the library much better. The search function should be improved now!


@Fasulye - I don’t seem to be having any problems ticking a level first then a category. For example, when I select Intermediate 1 then “Science & Technology” I get 14 results. What do you mean when you say the Library gets confused?

I have made some bug reports about the library search. I agree to Fasulye, the old library search worked much better. I have big problems to find suitable lessons in Lingq 2!! Please fix this ASAP!

@u50623 - Your previous reports have all been noted. If you have any other specific issues that you’re experiencing, be sure to let us know so we can address them more efficiently.

What happens, if I say that the library is confused?

I clicked in the Spanish library on “Intermediate 1”, “Intermediate 2” plus “Health Beauty” and the following messages appeared:

  • Mozilla Firefox reageert niet.
  • De Adobe flash plug-in is gecrashed.
  • Een script op deze pagina is bezig.

And the scroll bar to the right is blocked and cannot be moved.

This whole computer disablement lasts 15- 20 minutes until I can use LingQ again.

I always have this, if I tick more than only a language level category. And If I tick only “Intermediate 1” and “Intermediate 2” I get overflooded with these IDEL - lessons consisting of only 4 sentences.


@Fasulye - Please make sure you have the most recent version of Flash installed ( and see if that helps. I’ve tried this exact process on multiple browsers in multiple operating systems but don’t seem to be having the same problem.

Also, it would be helpful if you could open up the Error Console (press Control+Shift+J and click on “Errors” at the top) and see if anything shows in there when this happens.

Thanks for the advice, Alex! I have now downloaded and installed the Adobe Flash Player 11 x 32 but the effect is now even worse:

The drop down menues “Learn” and “Friends” are empty now, so I have no access to the library anymore, no matter what language I choose. I have a laptop here with the operating system Windows Vista.

The Flash Player is for 32 bit systems, so I doubt, that I chose the right Flash Player.


@Fasulye - Did you get a chance to check the Error Console to see if any errors showed up? It would be helpful if you could let me know which version of Firefox you’re using, and if you’re not using the most recent version (version 16) then if you could upgrade first. If you wait like 30 seconds or so, do the dropdowns eventually activate?

In the meantime, you can try accessing the Library from this link: Login - LingQ

Indeed, I chose the wrong version of Adobe Flash Player for Windows 32 bit and I have now changed it into my version for Windows Vista. So now I can access the libraries again for the different languages. But the whole LingQ-website is now extremely slow, so I cannot handle it very well. The scroll bar at the right always gets blocked and cannot be moved. I will try out the Error Console.
And I have the Firefox version 16.0.2, so that’s okay.


“I have made some bug reports about the library search. I agree to Fasulye, the old library search worked much better. I have big problems to find suitable lessons in Lingq 2!! Please fix this ASAP!”

I find the new library much easier to use than the old version. However, there are some bugs and other issues that still need to be addressed. We are working through our overall bug list and hope to be able to address library issues fairly soon. Nevertheless, for me the way the library and My Lessons is handled now is much more user friendly than before.

No doubt much depends on how we use the library. If some people find the new library more difficult to use, it would be helpful to hear more specifically about the problems. What did you try to search for, how did you search and what happened?

I am sorry, Steve, but I have a different impression. I have even difficulties to find my own (published) lessons. The search result is empty. How can I find other people’s lessons, e.g. how can I find Serge’s great French lessons? It’s not possible. This is only one example.

There are still some issues in the library and we hope to get to them shortly.

However, I did the following to find serge’s lessons in the French library. I opened the French Library. There were no lessons from serge, but there were some lessons shared by Shigeharu.

So I clicked on Shigeharu’s name in the lesson description. This brought up all of Shigeharu’s lessons and in the top Search box I was able to see owner:Shigeharu.

I replaced Shigeharu with “serge”. This brought up all lessons shared by serge33510.

You don’t need to do this. You can just type owner: and the name of the person who shared the lesson and these lesson should show up.

There are things that still behave a little strangely in the library but essentially it works.

I might add that the search box at the top seems to work quite well for me.