Spanish, English conversation

Hello everyone, my name is Leo and im studing English, I would like to practice my English before turns rusty :P. I live In Austria and im From Venezuela. My skipe is Leovienna24.

Im more concentraded to learn American English, but everyone can add me, no problem with that :slight_smile:

Hey Leo, I’m from Venezuela as well, I hope your English practice is going well for you. I find awesome that you are living in Austria, my brother went their as exchange students some yrs ago. I was living in Miami, Fl but I recently move to Illinois to improve my accent in English, because as you might know in Miami they are basically 95% Spanish speakers hehehe. Well have a good one and I hope everything is going well for you :wink:

Ps: *before it turns rusty *concentrated. :wink:

Mario Reyes

Hello leoviena!

I am not on Skype yet, but I will let you know when I am. I need to speak Spanish. I am from Australia, but lived in Chicago for one year. The language is the same except for a few words. I can correct your writing if you wish.

Also, for your post, it should be: “I’m concentrating more on learning American English”. Looks like you are making excellent progress so far, as I am not able to post in español! Good luck with your learning!

I am = I’m
concentrating is present tense

hello, I’m from Australia and I’m trying to learn Spanish!

No one gonna learn Mandarin?