Sources of content

Here is a German source but not all podcasts have texts (from Rohan)

I guess it might be useful to collect information about sites which offer audio and text content for download, and keep them in one place. Any suggestions welcome. If possible I would like to see sites where it is possible to download the sound and the text. If we can share the content so much the better, but even for importing for personal use, this is useful information.

For Russian, and one of the best sites I have seen in any language is , and I have may have already mentioned it,

A lot of French text here:

Lots of French audio here:

And audio with some text here:

We need a link sharing place at LingQ!

How do you suggest we do that. We do not want to involve our programmers now. Where should we put these LingQs?

Someone on my blog recommended the following podcast for Spanish but I do not see where to download the sound files and the site does do not offer transcripts.

I guess we could approach them, offering transcripts if they do mention LingQ, as we have don wit other podcasts, but I think they are too big. We could always try.

podcasts de radio caracol colombia

when here the place is for bringing the adresses, I will bring one even thoug I think it was mentioned before on another place.

For German

I think it would be good to have one place for each language with all these addresses.
Very important for me is to see if there is only text, only audio or both. I prefer if there where both. In long terms there should be a list like the library. In short terms I prefer three Threads (Audio, Text, both) for each language if you would place it in the forum.

Or another suggestion is at the blog.

Also I would like to have a short information about the content, the difficulty and the issue.

Let’s begin iby collecting links here until we figure out a better solution. ion/worldservice


For Russian: Russian Webcasts

In Italian I suggest: (to learn the language - different level of knowledge - and many other issues) (free Italian books and audiobooks)

For recordings of different English regional accents try: