Sorting Open in Vocab Section

I hit the sort option by “importance” but my vocab listing is still sorted alphabetically. I would think that sorting by importance would show the most important words or “lingQ’s” first in my vocab list so I can easily export them to a flashcard program or use the flashcard program within LingQ. However, that’s not the case. When you select the sort option “importance”, what is it doing? Also, if I want to see 25, 50 or 200 words, etc, why is this limited? If I wanted to export all words to another flashcard program why is there not an option to select or view all?

@Ryanl321 - The importance of each term is indicated by the number of asterisks. There are four different levels of importance – is it possible that all of the words you’re looking at have the same importance?

Also, note that the filters on the right affect the subset of LingQs on the left, so if you want to view all of your LingQs based on Importance then click on “All LingQs” on the left first, then change the sort to Importance.

Regarding exporting, it is currently possible to export up to 200 terms at a time. We previously had it export all terms each time you exported LingQs, but the process was taking too long and the page was timing out for quite a few different members. Our solution was to export the LingQs listed on the current page. We do hope to enhance the export function in the future, though the export is not a widely used feature and is therefore not something we’re actively working on.