Something weir on the Spanish Open Forum

At present there is a thread shown “hecho un piltrafilla” by @vonpaulus.


This thread was posted on 09 March by @jurijgol and remained unanswered. Now there is supposed to be the response given by@vonpaulus.

All we can see is the scrolling circle going round and round and round and (you get the picture)…

Something “weird” on …

I think the circle is just having a good time. But we will get this fixed… :wink:

Abundando en el tema. Le he preguntado a una amiga, Española, sobre el significado que ella le da a la palabra piltrafilla. Me ha contesta que una persona que no vale para nada. Por ejemplo, los politicos Españoles son unos piltrafillas. Significa que no valen para nada.

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