Some parts are in English and others are in Japanese

Some parts are in English and others are in Japanese. I wonder what has happened.


Hi Yutaka,
Do you have Japanese selected as your Interface language?

It seems that I selected Japanese as Display Language, although I cannot remember doing so.
Loging off and loginging in did not affect the situation.
Once I reloaded the Safari browser, the problem stopped.

If I click the messages in “Notifications”, the new window will appear in Japanese Version.

Japanese Version is very strange.
一番おかしいのは、「Last comment 10 minutes 前 by …」というところ。「前」だけを日本語(漢字)にしなくてもよいのでは。

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In Czech version there are English and Czech mixed, too. And Czech translation is very strange. Like from a Google Translator which is used for translating words in lessons - and such hints are not very helpful.

Both Japanese and Czech interface are still in process of being translated and that is why some parts still appear in English. Hopefully we will have them 100% translated and fixed bad translations in the near future.