Some links for beginner content on YouTube in Northern accent

I’ve not personally found the ministories in Vietnamese to be super helpful so far for my beginner-level Vietnamese - there are too many minor issues of voice (LingQ currently uses only Southern accent voices it seems), vocabulary, choice of words in translation etc that, in combination, slow down my comprehension significantly. So I’ve been looking for beginner-level content on YouTube that might be suitable for importing into LingQ to use as a supplement to the ministories.

Most students of Vietnamese need to make a choice between learning Northern or Southern accent, initially at least. While the two accents are obviously both Vietnamese, there are enough significant differences in pronunciation and word usage to trip up beginners in what is already a difficult language for Westerners to learn. So the usual advice is to choose one accent and stick to it for initial learning.

Northern Vietnamese is usually considered as the ‘official’ Vietnamese version and the accent that I wanted to learn anyway, so I have been searching specifically for Northern accent content. (I know there are some good YouTube channels in Southern accent, but maybe someone else will one day make some suggestions for these.)

I was specifically looking for some very basic Vietnamese videos with mostly simple vocabulary and slow speaking. This is aimed at trying to bring my Vietnamese up to A1 level, from where there are obviously many more Youtube and other videos that could be used for progress eg to intermediate level. So these are deliberately relatively simple videos.

Easy Pho Vietnamese channel - example: (this channel has some excellent video content for beginners such as the ‘Slow Vietnamese Stories Newcomer’ playlist videos that seem to import well into LingQ. Highly recommend this channel for Northern Vietnamese)

Easy Vietnamese 4U channel - example: (a good first video but unfortunately the audio has a lot of intrusive background noise at times)

Slow Vietnamese channel - example: (this channel has a mixture of a few very slow ‘starter’ videos and other more varied but faster ones.

Each of these YouTube channels has many videos, often at varying levels. Anyone interested will need to look through the various videos and pick out individual videos of interest,

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