Shuffle Flashcards, Reverse Flashcards, Friends' Activity

One of the most common requests we get is the ability to shuffle and to reverse flashcards. These requests were highlighted in our recent member survey. So…to show you that we are listening… :-)! These two features have just been added.

You will now see two buttons under Options in the sidebar on the Flashcards page; Shuffle and Reverse. Shuffle causes the order of the current deck of flashcards to be shuffled. Reverse causes the Hint to appear first, followed by the Phrase and finally by the Term, as you click the “Show Phrase”, “Show Term”, or “Check” buttons.

As always, try these features out and let us know what you think!

In addition, we have added a Friends’ Activity list to the Community page. Right now, you can only see when your friends post on someone’s wall but more alerts are on there way. Stay tuned!

Hey, Mark, that’s REALLY GREAT!!!
I guess I was one of the first ones (or even THE first one) to ask for reverse flashcards!!! And shuffling too. That was the way I studied words and phrases before using LingQ and I guess this is an excellent way to expand active vocabulary and to reinforce some phrase structures.
I’m sooooooo happy!!!

I had never used reverse flash cards before and so I was not that big on them. I must admit that I was wrong. They are great.

They are particularly useful for phrases. I have been experimenting with saving phrases in Russian, where I know the meaning, but know I cannot produce the phrase. I write in the English phrases, and then in the reverse Flash Cards I have to translate back from English to Russian.

Thanks Ana, and others for insisting on this feature. We are over the hump on development and think that new features will be rolling out faster now.

I agree, they are particularly useful for phrases and expressions. :wink:

Yes, I like it! I won’t go as far as one Swedish course book did, i.e. something like: “Make sure you always go from Swedish to Chinese and NEVER the other way around” - in my opinion that would be pointless in the beginning stages. You have to start somewhere, and recognition is a good start. However, after that, most of us will probably want to be able to produce what recognize.

Some SRS-programs can create two sets of cards if you set the program to do so, something that facilitates the review of both “skills” but in order not to be a slave to the flashcards, your new function will work great. We mustn’t forget to listen and read. :slight_smile:

Reverse flashcard are a important function for me, because it is more difficult to remember the words in the other direction. I have to “activate” my mind. It would be better, if I could change this option while the session. With session I mean the two correctly times before my cards would be removed from the session list.

Reverse flashcard are a important function for me, because it is more difficult to remember the words in the other direction. I have to “activate” my mind. It would be better, if I could change this option while the session. With session I mean the two correctly times before my cards would be removed from the session list.

(I have tried to send this post for correction after posting, I am not sure wether it is working)

Annett, when you click “Post and Submit…” it posts your comment and takes you to the Write page with your comment in the text field. You still have to click Submit there to pay your points and actually submit your writing.

BRILLANT. I love this. Thank you! Merci :smiley:

Mark, when I reverse the flashcards, they are not removed after being seen twice in a row… is it intentional or is it a bug?

For the time being they are not removed, as you say. I think it is Mark’s intention to make it possible to remove them regardless which way they are viewed. One step at a time.

ok, just checking…

I just love the shuffle option as I tend to remember the order of the words and not the Russian spelling. Great job!

When I use the “reverse” function for the flashcards, the hint shows up and you guess the target word. My problem is, I can see the answer briefly before it shows me the hint. For example, for the French word “courue” for which the hint is “popular”, I see the word “courue” for half a second before the hint “popular” shows up.

Sounds a bit strange but we may have had an issue like this in the past. I will check with Mike. Does anyone else have that problem?

Yes, the target word flashes by very quickly; if you blink you will miss it. It doesn’t really bother me very much.
I just look away when I click on the button. :slight_smile: But, you ask if anyone else had that problem.

oops!, I should have written " you asked" 'not you ask". :slight_smile: