"Show translation" doesn't work - bug report

In sentence view, when clicking on Show translation

  • in Android app: The message “Unable to translate sentence. Please try again later.” appears.
  • in web app: Nothing happens.
    Yesterday was everything okay. It doesn’t work in any language I learn.
    It is possible the problem is part of some rework and is going to disappear soon, but I prefer to report in case devs haven’t noticed the bug.

Can verify. It’s not working for me either. (Windows, Firefox).
“Show translation” and then nothing happens.

Edited to add: Tried again just now. It does not work for Chinese (Traditional) or Korean, but it works very rapidly for Spanish.
Edited to add: Oh, wait. It only works on sentences that I already generated translations for previously. Not on new sentences.


Nor does it work for me at the moment.


Same. Does not work at all.

–Windows 10, Brave.

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Doesn’t work for me either

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Not working for me either.

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Was hit or miss for me today, with no visible feedback, in Chrome on a Mac.

Was kinda like a bad employee where sometimes it worked and simply sometimes not.

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It’s not working for he, either on iOS or Mac using Safari or Chrome.

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Confirming show translation does not work
I’ve tried opening and closing the app
It’s been down for me for at least the last hour and I see for others.
Pretty please fix!
Love this app but its not really useable for me without the translation help.
Could someone please post when its fixed


This has been not working for 12+ hours. Any word?

From web side I also tried changing the translation option from deepL to chatgpt and also google translate. That didn’t work either. The apps don’t work either since last evening.

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Same. Also unable to import books.


Sorry for the inconvenience that occurred.
The functionality should work fine now. Please, post here if you are still facing any of the mentioned issues.


It took a moment but it’s working now. :slight_smile: