Shared authorship

Hi Mark, as you know I am planning ahead for a library in the Dutch LingQ. I am creating content on my own, but I have also started translating content out of the Japanese, the English and the German libraries. If and when I place these translations in the Dutch Library, I will be confronted with the issue of shared authorship. I figure I can use the ‘description’ area to mention the author of the original material. That’s not the problem.
The problem is: how do I make sure, the author receives half the revenue in points earned? I cannot find a way to make this happen. Is there a solution at hand?

With kind regards, Nicole.

Oh, I also have a couple of somewhat related questions:

  • who are the original authors of ‘Who is she’, ‘Eating out’, and ‘Greetings and Goodbyes’?
  • may I start recording conversations corresponding to the episodes of The English LingQ podcast and does that make you, Jill and Steve co-authors? Would you rather see translations? Perhaps I can create a series about the Dutch language as well.
  • when I create a translation of a collection, can I use the original illustration?
  • do I have your permission to translate parts of your blog, which would make you co-author?
  • shall I translate some of the original material that I am creating in Dutch into English? Perhaps my tutor can then record them and place them in the English library. I could also translate them into my awful German, French and Japanese and have the episodes corrected so then maybe someone will volunteer to record them. This way everything will still be recorded by native speakers.

Well, maybe I should just stop asking questions now. I know you have better things to do than merely keeping me up to speed. Any answers you can give me will be greatly appreciated.


This is a complicated issue.

In general items for which LingQ is the provider where created by someone at LingQ, or were paid for directly by LingQ. You can use them as you wish.

By the way, “Who is she”, “eating out” and “Greetings and goodbyes” were created (if that is the word) by me. I am sure our members can do better.
You are welcome to use these, translate them and put them up without attribution and claim the points. Please stay as close to the original as possible while still making it read and sound natural. It should be close enough so that a beginner can get the meaning for the new language she is learning, yet it should be natural for the learner of that language. Please change any personal names to good Dutch sounding ones like Cees and Marike (Brel).

You and anyone else is free to use anything on my blog however you wish.

If you create content in Dutch (a language that is a mystery to most non-Netherlanders) and then translate them into other languages, that would be great. Others can then edit them to make them natural in their own language. If we can have a lot of beginner and lower intermediate content in a variety of languages, that is original and interesting, that will be helpful to our beginners.

The issue of sharing the revenue is a difficult one. We simply have to stay focused on things to make the learners’ experience at LingQ better, improve the Community features, and will bring us more members. Internal issues have to wait. Ensuring that points are equally distributed between contributors of content, when one member created it and another translated it, seems to me to a lower priority item right now. I would prefer to leave the points with the last person who uploaded the content, i.e. the translator, for now, while acknowledging the originator.

Bear in mind that we are a small group, a new tribe, albeit with members from all over the world. Our first goal is to see our tribe grow in size and influence. First we have to conquer more space. Then when we have a a bigger area under cultivation so to speak, (more members), the question of the sharing of points for jointly produced content will be more important. There will be more revenue to share.

Once the content is in the store it continues to earn points as long as it is there. I think for now it is enough to note when there is jointly produced content. When we implement a way to share points we can decide if we want to go back and change the status of these items.

Mark may have other ideas, or maybe some of our members do, but we do not want to spend programmer time on this now. I would rather add new languages like Dutch for example, or do other things that will improve the learner experience or increase the membership of our tribe.

When we are big and strong we can then sit back and divide up the spoils.

Thank you Steve, for your quick response.
I have a better idea now of what I have to work on first. I hope I will be able to tell you I have been successful in creating a decent amount of content for the Dutch library by the time we meet next Sunday.
See you soon!

A slightly related question: if I take a text from Wikipedia and record it - do I get points if members download it, despite that I didn’t create the actual text? Another one, some articles (or excerpts) have audio (poems et.c.), and that means that I’m just the one who makes it available at LingQ - points or not (I have only clicked a few buttons…)?


Anything you share, whether you wrote it or just took it from somewhere else, will earn you points. Just make sure it’s copyright free if it’s from somewhere else.


We do not have plans for any point splitting now. This is something that we may look at in the future since there will likely be scenarios where people write something and want someone else to record it or record something and want someone else to transcribe it. However, this is not likely to happen any time soon.

The only other thing I want to add is that for Who is She, Greetings and Goodbyes and Eating Out, we are the owners of the content in all languages. Therefore, we have either paid for people to record it or “bought” it from our members who have recorded it. Please do translate and record these in Dutch. We will pay you points to do so.

Thank you Mark, I will give it my best shot. I am having trouble finding people to record the different voices with, so there might initially only be my voice. I hope to replace the one-voice recordings with recordings with male and female voices in time.
If you can pay me in points that will of course be very nice, as I seem to be using my points at an accelerating speed. Just make sure you do not reward me with any points before you are absolutely satisfied with the results!
To me it is most important that I learn to translate and transcribe properly, the points are just a perk.

That sounds good Nicole. Yes, we will only pay points if the quality is good! And, if there is more than one voice.

OK, great Mark. I read somewhere (here) that Wikipedia articles were OK to share, and if memory serves, Vera has already recorded quite a few in German. Time to go hunting…

Hi Jeff, I’ve not took the hole article because the articles in wikipedia are too technical. I took informations from wikipedia and use the informations but I wrote them in new way. I’ve shortened a lot and I change often the sentences to make it better readable. I don’t recommend to take articles of wikipedia directly.

Hi Jeff,
I have listened to and enjoyed a few Wikipedia articles in French.
Vera is right about the articles. They are often technical and they are really meant to be read and not spoken. But as a language learner on LingQ, I would rather have more choice than less choice. And I have learned from the articles as well.


I agree absolutly with Vera!
I read articles in the Library from LingQ that were horrible. Only copy and past. The text was not what the audio file was and the text (for Beginner) was not for beginner.

I think Wikipedia is good for bringing ideas but each member should make the work with a little effort for doing the content correct and really helpful.

I am sorry that we do not yet have a system to allow members to grade our content. However, what people choose is a good indicator or how useful they find the content. People’s tastes can vary a great deal. What matters is how useful learners find the content, and not necessarily how much effort went into making the content.

I have observed, however, that the original content created by our members is amongst our most popular. I also think that content directed at beginners,especially for languages other than English, will be more popular than more difficult content simply because we have more learners at that level in languages other than English.

Wikipedia has a “simple language” version in English. I think, Jeff, you will need to experiment to see what is popular. I would recommend that you choose subjects related to Sweden and Swedish things since the language is Swedish. Make sure you speak in a lively and engaging manner. If you add a little introduction and conclusion (with transcript) that can help make these items more engaging.

I would also hope to get some natural discussions as well.

We are in a building stage, and especially in a language like Swedish where we have relatively little content, all content is welcome.

Yes, I plan to choose some general articles about Sweden and Swedish culture, and edit if necessary. Of course I will have a look at the content here, so I don’t upload anything that is already available.

My collection “this is your brain on scones” was just a bunch of topics picked about Britain from Wikipedia, I cut out some of the more boring paragraphs but didn’t add anything of my own. They have proved surprisingly popular. When I have time I’ll do more.

How about a Swedish collection called “This is your brain on pickled herring sandwiches” then, Jeff? :slight_smile:

Hehe, I might have a look at your collection to get some “inspiration”. :smiley: