Share your activities on Facebook and Twitter

We have just uploaded an updated Profile page. You will notice a slightly updated design and a new feature which lets you share your LingQ activities on your Facebook profile and your Twitter feed. Click on the Share button to enable this feature, to link up your Facebook or Twitter account and to choose which activities to share. Enjoy letting your Facebook friends and Twitter followers follow your progress and help spread the word about LingQ!

You will also notice an updated information popup on the Library page. Now when you click on the “i” button, you will see the new Collection view. This view lets you see the whole collection at a glance with no need for clicking or paging. You can preview the audio and see details for all lessons and you can also subscribe by RSS or iTunes (where availabe). You can also email the link to the Collection or Lesson to a friend.
As usual, give us your feedback!

The “i” button is great! It makes looking for new material much easier! Thanks!

"I am learning Russian from this lesson Login - LingQ "
I think that you can convey more information at Twitter for the benefit of the people who follow your activities, if you want to help spread the word about LingQ. On the other hand, if your followers had no interest in what you are learning, it would hinder them from reading more important messages from you on their timelines at Twitter.

Yes, I suppose some people wouldn’t want to see me racing through the French library, for example. On the other hand, I make an effort to mention LingQ from time to time, as a natural part of my Twitter activity.

I appreciate the introduction of a new feature that let us use our discretion in showing our LingQ activities on our profile pages. Thank you.

You’re welcome, Yutaka. I forgot to mention that you can now choose to not share your LingQ activities with other members if you choose.


When is a lesson marked as “being studied”? After setting back my sharing options, I have listened and read at least one German lesson, but it appears neither on my profile nor on Facebook or Twitter (I have allowed both profiles to share information with LingQ). Is anything wrong?

Your lesson shows up when you click I Know All. That triggers the notification.

I have just realised it! Thank you anyway. :slight_smile:

By the way, one other thing we have done is to remove wall posts and forum thread creation notifications from the activity list. We agreed with some of you that it was really not that relevant to other members.

Thank you for all these new things - it’s fascinating to see LingQ developing. Could you incorporate a funnel function for direct access to my brain (I know I had it just a minute ago)?