You’re correct, keroro…“LingQing phrases” is what I meant. Subvocalizing words while you write words with homonyms sometimes results in spelling mistakes :slight_smile:

Please let us know if you come across the issue again and also which lesson you were using when you encountered it, whether it’s imported or shared.

hape, are you unable to delete any lesson in that collection or just one specific lesson?

@alex: I tried a few, but no success. But this problem is not urgent for me, as I finished to create courses in the moment.

OK I just ran into this problem again… Same issue. Uploaded lesson I try to select multiple words ( sentence) click new hint and then add the hint , I then save and it gives me internal error msg. I’m able to save single word Lingq no problem though…

Link to imported lesson is :

Name of lesson is :

My Lessons > KC101 Beginner S4 > KC101 Beginner S4 #21

Sentence im trying to lingq:

“돌아다니지 말고, 여기 있으세요”

Its not like I absolutely need to lingq this sentence, I know what it means =p. I can live without lingqing some sentences since most sentences do go through just a small percentage of them gives me a internal server error.

Also, I just noticed that some of the other sentences that I create Save … but if i go out of the lesson and come back the sentenced lingq isnt highlighted as a yellow sentence anymore. If i highlight it again the system recognizes the previous hint i put in. However again if i go out and come back the sentence isnt highlighted anymore.

In Who is She part 5 I saved 오빠와 살고 있는 그녀에. I had no trouble ,refreshed the page and it was still there. I switched languages, then came back and it was still there. I am in Firefox. I wonder what could be causing your difficulty.


No clue. Some sentences save, some give me internal errors , some save but then dont highlight if i go out out of the lesson and come back…
I’m in firefox aswell. I just cleared all my internet history/java / cookies and rebooted and the same problem is happening in the same lesson. Its very random =p.
I’m not using the Library lessons. I’m using imported content if that makes any difference.

Yup… just tested again… I went back to lesson im getting an internal server error, Tried to select the same sentence and I’m getting the same error as before.
I also tried selecting a sentence in an other lesson and it works but if i switch language and come back its not highlighted yellow anymore however the previous hint is still there if i try to make a new hint out of it…

Hey Steve,

I just went into Who is She part 5 i selected the same part of the sentence , then i clicked on the hint you probably added. If i refresh or go out of hte lesson and come back That Sentence section is no longer highlighed in yellow… sooooo ODDDD

It is difficult for us to devote a lot of resources to problems that seem to affect only one person. Hopefully as we continue to improve the system and refine some areas this problem will resolve itself. We will keep it in mind, and wait to see if it is part of a more general problem.