Sentence review doesn't increase word's status

Today I encountered a trouble with reviewing words in sentence review mode.
Just yesterday it worked perfectly fine, I turn on sentence mode, read a text and when I see yellow word I press a review the sentence button and after matching words, putting together a sentence and pronouncing it words usually get one level up (status 1 to status 2) and I earn my coins for that.
But today, when I do the same, words just stay at the same level that they were before a sentence review. It is my primary way of reviewing and learning words and phrases.
Why it stopped working for me and can it be fixed somehow. (I still can manually increase word’s status but it is very uncomfortable and unhandy)

Thanks for reporting. We will look into it.

I’ve been wondering why it was feeling so difficult to even get to 50 coins in German. I have been doing mini stories 50 - 60 with masses of new words, but it’s taken me almost an hour to get the number up. I just noticed that its been because none of the new words have been promoted, despite reviewing every sentence if it had a new word.

It happens on both the web and Android apps.