Selecting multiple "words" to make 1 lingq. Doesnt work

Soo im trying to select multiple words to make my own lingq. I select the word i want to make a lingq , it highlights everything in blue, i click new hint , add the info and then save it… Everything looks fine. If i reload the page or come back to the lesson the words i selected are back to seperated words like before. If i select it again and try to make the lingq by adding a new hint the previous info is already inputed into the hint. Is this a known problem?

for example:

선현우 : 오늘은 서점에 대해서 이야기를 해 볼 거예요.

I’m trying to make " 해 볼 거예요 " into 1 lingq because thats one meaning as opposed to lingq the individual words which doesnt make sense overall. Is it possible to keep the selected words as a lingq together when you go out of the lesson and come back later?

I just tried in French and Korean. This seems to be a bug only in Korean. We will look into it. Please report any other problems you find.

One challenge saving LingQ in Korean is that so many words have so many different meanings. I do not really mind but is just a guess as to which meaning applies in the context we are reading. That is why the dictionary meaning is always just a hint. Eventually the language becomes clearer, with enough exposure.

HI Steve , Thanks for the reply. I think this would be a really important option to be fix into korean as soon as possible =p. At least for me! I agree the language gets clearer overtime But the dictionary hints can be soo far off if you just look for individual words that its not even worth marking as a hint. For example I can see people are inputing “볼” from “해 볼 거예요” As meaning “cheek”… Sure 볼 could be a cheek but in this sentence ending its soo far off. and the word isnt even 볼 , Its more like 봐 + ㄹ 거예오. I get into the habit of searching multiple word sentence endings in Naver dic and most of the time it does find it and gives me alot of examples of what i means. Its a good way to figure out what all those little words mean together. Which is why it would be nice and important to have those fixed into korean =p.해%20볼%20거예요

By have those fixed I mean by letting us select multiple words and input it as a a single lingq like you can do in french =p.

I assume we will be able to fix the problem of LingQing phrases, but you will not be able to use a dictionary for these phrases other than Google translate. The dictionaries I am aware of only deal with the words as they appear in the text. We are not going to invest into expensive segmenting or parsing software. The Korean will be as it is, but I do think we can get the phrase LingQing to work. But 볼 will still be cheek until you find it in another phrase which give you some more clues.

Note that on our Forum it is better to shorten any URLs at bitly or somewhere.

Hi Steve, awesome. YEah i just want to be able to lingq phrases myself. If you guys could fix LingQing Phrases that would be AWESOME. I didnt mean it in the sense where lingq automatically finds the meaning to certain phrases. I’m more than happy to use lingq as it is , I just want to be able to select and save sentences/ multiple words manually so that I can input the hint myself. Also I’m happy enough to cut and paste things myself into Naver manually, Never expected Lingq to add that kind of function. I just brought that up to explain how I figure out sentence endings.

I also find that more than 85% of the time I dont really use the hints other people put up. Especially for things like 볼 in these lessons. Because none of them mean Cheek at alll. Sure itll eventually mean Cheek in some other lesson but Ill wait until i come across it actually meaning “cheek” to input it that way… Rather not create fake hints for cheek when its not even Cheek in these lessons. =p


Soooo I have an other question …When the LingQing Phrases work in korean. If i save “해 볼 거예요” as a LingQ. Will that automatically be recognized as a saved lingQ in other Lessons aswell? Would the system work this way? or would it again be seperated into 3 differents words in other lessons???

Thanks steve!

The way the system works, whatever term you save is your LingQ, one word or many words, it should not matter.

I am new to using LingQ for Korean obviously, but I find find the Hints useful in other languages. I think there will be more irrelevant user Hints, and dictionary meanings in Korean than in any other language I have studied.

@keroro - We will look into that phrase issue. It’s strange since it works fine in other languages. The system will not, however, be able to recognize that phrase in other lessons. While that would be nice, it is not something we are able to do at the moment.

Thanks steve and Mark.

Yeah i can see hints being alot more accurate for other languages.

Mark. soo the system recognizes individual words but wouldnt not recognize a LingQ with 3 words in other lessons ? Thats too bad. That would be really helpful for korean. Especially with all the different sentence endings/ meanings.

Steve. Is it the same for french? Say you saved in a french lesson " J’aime Manger des bananes" as a LingQ and a later lesson has that exact phrase, It wouldnt be highlighted in yellow ( assuming its not known yet) as 1 lingq???


It does not seem to me that phrases appear highlighted in yellow. I think this is a good thing. You can save a word, and then save the phrase that contains the word. Only the word will be highlighted in yellow. Don’t forget that the phrase is also automatically saved. Now the phrase is very easy to edit in the Flash Cards, so the captured phrase should be used to keep track of the various ways words are used. It has worked fine for me in other languages and I am feeling my way in Korean.

I do think that the concept that the dictionary does not tell you what a word means, that you are only starting on the discovery of the word, is a valuable concept in language learning. WE will see.