Selecting a Unknown Word (blue) No Longer Changes it to New (Yellow) Automatically

I’ve recently had an issue or perhaps lingq has updated something with the app. I have to click on the blue word once then again to select the meaning in order to save it as a “new” word.

This really interrupts the flow of my session when I have to click multiple times. I was hoping that someone knew if there was a setting that would revert this back to the way I had it before?

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Although I generally like to click on a word and then adjust the definition to suit my interpretation of it, I would like to know this too, as I may want the flow of reading to be more smooth and fast-paced in the future.

I don’t understand the problem. We encounter a blue word, we click on it and choose the meaning. How do you choose the meaning if you don’t click on a blue word? How do you select the definition you want to if you don’t click on the definition?
There is no automatic yellow words creation with LingQ (besides extensions).

Sorry, I don’t understand your workflow, where is it the difference compared to “before”?

Or maybe it was just a temporary glitch that made you execute more clicks than usual.

EDIT: @bamboozled reminded me of the auto lingq feature.

If you have the option “Auto LingQ creation” enabled, it should automatically select the top entry from the available meanings. No need to select one specifically. For example, just clicking on another word will make the currently selected blue one yellow. I’ve been using this feature for years and it works just fine for me.


Oh! Thanks for remind me that. I forgot we had that option. I don’t use it because the popular meaning are often wrong and I write my own definitions.

I’m also regularly checking the AI definitions we have on iOS but I wouldn’t rely on that either for now.

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Yes they changed something. When I used to click on an unknown word to see the meaning, it automatically set it as yellow which really annyed me. It doesn’t any more, to my surprise. I’m absolutely sure it did work last night. I have just checked my settings, and this feature was enabled. Okay, so I experimented and turned it off. No change. Then I turned the feature back on, and lo and behold now when I click on an unknown word, it goes yellow. So I’ve disabled the setting, and I am happy.

You might wish to try this little fix and see if it works for you.

Just another little LingQ quirk.

Thank you, I wasn’t aware that existed, I can now turn off this annoying feature.

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French word definitions seem quite good, but with German I find them less useful. Then again I struggle to use the big German dictionary that I bought.

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