Select a word and make it bold

Is there a way to select a word and make it bold so that it appears bold in any imported text, not just the one I’m studying, but in the entire database?


You mean you want it to stand out in whatever text you’re reading whenever you encounter it?

I think LingQs do something like that, though they are used as flashcards for learning. They will be highlighted in yellow instead of made bold.

I’m not aware of any other method.

Perhaps you could suggest it to LingQ support if you think it’s a worthwhile feature.


LIngQ lets you take any word and mark it by background color (the color behind the black letters). New words are blue. Known words have no background. There are 3 levels of “partly known”: three darknesses of yellow.

The user sets this for each word, by clicking on the word and hitting a key: 1 for darkest yellow, 2 for medium, 3 for lightest yellow and 4 for no background. Do it once for this word and it changes it for every use of that word, even in new stuff you import.

So it is basically like having 3 “bold” markings. You decide how to use them.

thanks i am aware of yellow color and so on. I mean for chinese learners as we read characters it woul be great once i understand the word but not able to recognize when reading to make it possible create another color.

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Do you mean that you need more than the 4 colors that LingQ supplies (3 yellow colors plus “no color”? You can use these 4 colors any way you like. How many colors do you need?

You can use one of the 4 colors for this.