See video player and reader at the same time

I’ve been using lingq quite a bit for podcast-style content. E.g. listening to audio and reading at the same time. Recently I’ve been trying to consume some video content and I’m a bit confused about how to effectively use lingq here.

With audio content, it is possible to listen and at the same time page through the reader, make new lingqs, and lookup words, etc…

However, with video’s, it doesn’t seem like it is possible to see the reader at the same time as the video. Ideally, I’d like to be able to watch videos and if there’s something I don’t understand, be able to quickly look up the word. It seems like the only text you can see while watching a video is the “synchronized text” which doesn’t let you look up words. It’s very cumbersome to toggle between the two.

I’m not sure what the point is of watching videos inside lingq if it’s not possible to lookup words and create new lingqs. I.e. I could just go on youtube and watch the video with subtitles.

Am I missing something here?


I desperately want to know the answer to this too, since I was magically able to get the video with the sentence view and add linqs in real time. Then I was never able to get this again. I’m so frustrated because that magical video experience was awesome and I want to consume more content like that. I am using LinQ on my Android phone with the app.


I mostly import Youtube videos, and I also want to know how to do it.
But before that I found workaround for that, I watch a video in fullscreen first time, and after I minimize video player in LingQ, drag it to bottom ( to allow me see the right panel and the text ), and listen to a video while reading. It’s just workaround, honestly I don’t believe, that LingQ team would fix this soon, due all respect LingQ team :wink: Also sometimes I watch video at some speed, and during reading I increase speed ( +0.25x ), might be helpful for you, idk.


Also you can extract audio from Youtube ( I use this website, choose mp3 ), bind it lesson manually ( edit lesson->… )


This is what I do. The licensing issue with YouTube prevents a better interface I think. I do try to watch the video on YouTube to ensure the content creators get credit for my view, and YouTube gets their ad money.


@hgarrereyn @hiptothehop @saralavigna @andranikarakelyan @roosterburton
There is now a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that can do this and much more, (I believe it works together with an existing LingQ account). See Web Browser Extensions (Software) for LingQ

Edited to fix spelling


Thanks for sharing! I’ve been meaning to try Rooster’s stuff. This looks like another good reason to do so.


Have you been able to find an answer? I’ve just got premium and I feel your pain that it isn’t possible to see the transcript and watch the video at the same time.

Or is there a workaround to do it?

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Yes. @roosterburton ’ s extensions. He has one specifically for Netflix, for example, and one for YouTube, and several others. Or just buy the whole package. Works amazingly great.

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