Searching my lessons doesn't work

Just today I tried to search on my lessons, and instead of searching my lessons it took me to a page explaining to me the library and asking me to choose my first lesson. After doing this, if I try to order my lessons in a different way, it takes me to that same page explaining the library.

Also, from this new page, if I click on link at the bottom that is a video demo, I get a 404 not found message.

Are you still having this issue? If so, can you take a screenshot of the page that you’re seeing and post a link to it? Thanks

Thanks Alex. Yes, I am still having this problem. Here is the screenshot:

You shouldn’t need this, but here is what I was trying to do:

After reading your post just now I, too, tried to search my lessons, just to see whether mine worked. I also got directed to the first blank Welcome page inviting me to watch the video. I didn´t go any further. Here is the url of that particular page.

Thanks aybee77 and SanneT, I see what the problem is now. When there are no search results for your search term you get sent to that page. We will get it fixed as well as that video link.

Thanks Mark. However, there should be search results for my search, actually. If you look at my 2nd picture, you will see that one of the results that should be returned is on that page.

Ok. We’ll fix that too! :slight_smile: