Search for parts of a word

long time before we had the possibility to search for parts of a word or to bring only the stem - and we had all where this part was in.

I would like ask: is this point always on the to do list or is it canselled?

Hi Irene,
I think Steve has mentioned this more than once, but when I tried it, the system didn’t find anything. You have to type a complete search word (either from the hint, the term or phrase) to get results. This can still be useful as long as the same e.g. hint appears with several forms of a term, but using only a word stem to find cognates would greatly improve the possibilities of the system.

This function has worked off and on. It is not working now. A programmer would have to search for the bug and fix it. It is something that we will fix. We just do not have time to fix it now.

I find it very useful, especially in Russian to review words that are similar, or that I think are similar. I want it as badly as you do Irene. We just cannot fix it now.

My request involves showing the infinitive form of a verb or the singular, masculine form of an adjective. When I find a word in Spanish that I do not know, it often is a congugated verb or an adjective that is plural or feminine. These are not the forms that show in a dictionary. I request that we be allowed to change the form to the basic form, or that the system do that when we save a vocabulary word. This is especially important for irregular verbs or verbs with radical stem changes. Many thanks.

LingQ saves the form of the word that you select, captures the phrases that contains that form, and all examples of that form in the content you have studied and in the library. This is done for a reason. Seeing examples of the different forms of words will help you to notice how that form is used. When you review words in your vocabulary section in A-Z order you will see related words together and that will reinforce your understanding of these forms and how they differ.

You can always add the infinitive, or undeclined noun (for Russian or German for example) or masculine form of the adjective as part of your Hint. I do not recommend doing this since it reduces that opportunity for our User’s hints function to accumulate definitions which are cached in our system, however, if that helps you, please do so.