Scrolling for more

There is a problem on the EXCHANGE page (besides the missing filters) on the right sidebar.
I’m looking for:
Showing All studying German from All Countries

After I’ve scrolled down to the end of the right panel it shows “scrolling for more”. This is after a third of the page. I have to scroll down all of the exchange part that it scrolls down the right sidebar before it starts to scroll. Than I’ve to scroll up again to see the next posts.

Before the last update I often looked at the Exchange page for news, roses etc. But now the user experience is horrible because it is so small.

As I’ve suggested earlier I would appreciate if the exchange and the news would be on different pages. That would make it faster, clearer and user friendlier!

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I agree that making two separate pages seems to be the best solution.

I really miss the exchange filters!

It is so boring if I select German.
German: The Exchange last until August, 15th because there are not many german exchanges.
French: The Exchange last until August, 5th.
Spanisch The Exchange last until October, 19th.

The news sidebar:
German: It last for 8 hours only.
French: It last for 11 hours.
Spanish: It last for 6 hours.

There is no balance at all.

@VeraI - Thanks for your feedback on this. We’ll see what we can do to improve this.