Science Magazine Podcast: 2011 and 2012!

Dear friends,

I shared the complete “Science Magazine Podcast: 2011 and 2012!”( ) in English.

Enjoy it!

Have you got permission to share it on LingQ? It’s copyrighted as far as I can see. It can imported for personal use but it could not be shared.

It’s copyright free.

© 2011 American Association for the Advancement of Science

Something being gratis doesn’t mean it’s free of copyright. Certain copyrights allow sharing of materials in various contexts (Commercial, non-commercial, etc). Each case must be considered.

As Vera says, the copyright is shown at the bottom of the Podcast page:

I’ve removed these lessons from the Library for now. However, you are welcome to contact AAAS/ to ask for permission to put this on LingQ. If you do obtain permission from them, just post proof in the Collection description :slight_smile:

Ok. I will talk with them.