Sci-Fiction / Non-Fiction

Hey Hi! How is it going? Please, could you do me a favor? Can you give me a link to LingQ courses that contain sci-fiction novels or something like that? I’d really appreciate that. It’s really hard to find anything like that in such a big amount of content.

Hi, RobDitz. You can always import such novels yourself!

Problem with such novels is that most of them might be protected by copyright, so I wouldn’t expect to be many if any such books out there.

Hey, Benscheelings! Yeeahh… I tried that but it didn’t work out because the text became unreadable after importing. (Strange symbols had appeared etc)

In what format do you import the text into LIngq? I always convert the text to WORD, and then import it.

I did import it in txt. I mean I used a program to convert PDF. files → txt. files. And then I imported the text into LingQ.

Well, just try WORD! Or if you don’t have it, try ODF, which is free.

Okay, thank you. I hope that’ll help.