Saved lingques

Is it possible to erase all saved lingques at once?cause now i can delete them only one by one…

No, you are not able to delete all saved lings at once. You actually have to go into your vocabulary list and delete them one by one.

I think you can if you are a paying member. It’s one of the things that’s more inviting for me to become a paying member. I’ve stopped lingqing because it’s a real hassle deleting one by one, but I feel it could be helpful to develop a good database here.

Hi Falcao, you’re absolutely right. It is really helpful to have a good database. I’ve created about 8,000 LingQs for English. It is so amazing and encouraging to see the yellow, blue and underlined words in texts. I can really recommend it. It is worth to pay $10 for LingQ. These $10 are important for the further development and improvement of LingQ too. So I don’t mind paying $10. Providing lessons and offering conversations make it easy for me too, because I earn sometimes more than I can spend.