Russian level challenge

Guyz what do you think would be a reasonable level to target in russian after 4 months of studying ?? I also intend to study serbian as well about the same time of the upcominng year …I mean could i be conversational in that kind of time span???

Depends on how active you are in learning it. 4 months of study, focusing just on Russian at an average pace should get you to a conversational level.

Yes, it depends on you: how much time you will learn Russian every day.
B1 is possible to reach for 4 months.
You can check yourself using my courses in the Russian library here:
Русский с нуля-Russian from zero(95 lessons) - A1-A2
Первые шаги- First steps(125 lessons) -А2
Простые тексты-Simple texts(45 podcasts) - A2-B1
День за днем- Day after day (167 texts) -B1-B2
Разговоры с Евгением- Conversations with Evgueny(34 Interviews)- B2-C1
Serbian is quite close to Russian, especially Grammar and about 40% od vocabulary.
It is not difficult to study Serbian after Russian.

Those courses are for the given levels or to reach the those levels? :smiley:

It’s the same!.. If you have such a level or you only want to reach such a level, you can choose the corresponding course.
And when you would like to check your level, you can use the respecting course.
It’s important because the most students don’t estimate their level properly, they often overestimate it.
Good luck!

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i basically intend to study extensively assimil as i considere it the best begginer course and then after finishing it as soon as possible ( in a month or so ) and of course revewing a lot of stuff due to the fact that is a completely different language in comparison with what i have studied till now, continue with lingq reading and doing some listening and enforcing it with ITALKI speaking with native speakers…As for serbian i have the same concenpt as i realised with other languages that attacking more advanced material as quick as posssible gives me an edge…What do you think as a native speaker???

I’ve seen your ptofile - you haven’t started your Russian yet, you are just a dreamer.
I’m sorry, but I haven’t time for such people.
If you start and have some concrete questions, I’ll be ready to answer them.
Good luck!