Russian, Korean, or Japanese?

Now, I don’t normally ask these type of questions of which language to learn, but I’ve been feeling the urge to really focus on one for several months lately.

I’ve studied all of these previously, some more than others (and I wouldn’t judge off my LingQ word count because some I studied more off of LingQ than on).

Reasons for wanting to learn each of them;
Russian: I am half Russian, and grew up with a half Russian/half American culture. Currently, the politics, history, and cultural aspects interest me, and Russians are among the most available for me to speak with if I desired.

Korean: I am a big fan of the music, gaming culture, and to a lesser extent the history, politics and culture in general.

Japanese: The food really interests me, gaming culture (mainly Fighting games which I am very big into, and being that typically the Japanese are the best at these type of games). Their history and politics I could care less about, but the overall culture among them is interesting.

Availability to speak/write to them;
Writing to all three is easy, speaking becomes a little more difficult. Russian by far has more resources to me (obviously being part Russian helps). The other two, Japanese and Korean, are 13 hour difference from me, leaving me not much time to speak to them, and where I live there is hardly any Asian groups besides Hmong.

I was just looking for some input about what you guys might think about each of these languages, which might help to influence my decision.

If I had to assess my levels in all three, it would be something like this:
Russian A2 (maybe higher)
Korean A1
Japanese A1

Thanks for the help!

Don’t let time differences influence you. There are italki tutors living in nearly every region of the world, in every language. I had a Russian tutor that is currently living in Mexico.


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Sounds like you have the most interest in Russian. Also, while it may not be difficult for you, learning to read and write Japanese is exponentially more time consuming than Korean and Russian. It will take you a year at least to get kanji down (for many people, it takes much longer)


No kidding! My Japanese tutor lives there too haha

Я согласен с тобой. Мне кажется, что OP больше предпочитает учить русский потому что он имеет русский наследие.

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