Roses without Provenance

I have been given three roses. I know where one came from, but not the other two. I should like to thank the giver(s) but I obviously cannot. There is nothing on my wall about them, I received no emails about them and they could not have come via lessons, because I have not provided any lessons.

If you read this and have donated a rose or two to me and choose to remain anonymous, why, thank you for the rose(s). I’m pleased and flattered.

My preliminary detective work reveals that a certain well-known “bearded guy” gave you a rose (for reaching a new milestone of known Spanish words). I let you find out about the third yourself.

Weird things abound. But I must say that I have never had difficulties finding out / locating things on this site.

Thank you both for the roses sent my way (well, one for a course I share – the word “course” is weird, I prefer “collection”).

I see you are a clever detective!
Maybe you will tell us more about finding things on this site.

Nah, too busy cooking rice and listening to Swiss radio. :slight_smile:

@3kingdoms: Thanks for the clue about the “bearded guy.” But I still don’t know how you did it.

Try clicking on the rose ?

@SanneT - Try clicking on the rose ?

Gave it a try, didn’t do anything. Thanks for the suggestion, though.