Reviewing lingqs

I recently went over some old stories from six months ago and realize most of the lingqs never show up in my daily review, nor when I review lingqs.
I think reviewing lingqs is a huge part of our process but it doesnt get much attn here. Im lost as to how I can use my lingqs as a ‘spaced repition’ style review.
Maybe a Youtube video cast in the future dedicated to lingqs/review?

Reviewing LingQs outside of context isn’t a huge part of the process here. Its for dead time you have to kill. There is a way to set the words for when you want to review them but I never do it so I’m not sure I remember. Maybe someone else can chime in

Generally the only lingQs that appear automatically in an email to review are the ones from the most recent lesson and seem to be limited to 20. Thus, if you made more lingQs than 20, you will have to click on the “review more” of a given lesson to review the remaining words/phrases. Additionally, some new lingQs will replace the ones that you turn into “known,” thereby maintaining a list of 20.

However, if you routinely make 20+ lingQs, in a day, you will of course amass hundreds if not thousands for which you will never be prompted. You can address these manually by going to Vocabulary and choosing any one of the “filters” by which lingQs can be sorted: e.g., by date, alphabetically, or by how well you know the lingQs, that is, whether at level 1, 2, 3 or 4. Then choose “apply” to sort them according to your desired filter and click on which ones you want to review at that time. How long you spend doing this is and to what level, is up to you.

While many people here don’t use the review function, personally I do find it very helpful however I customize it for the words and phrases that I want to learn well enough to use myself. For example, when I first do a lesson, I review the lingQs that are highest priority for me: just a few that are critical to my understanding of the lesson. The next day (which maximizes “latent learning” ) when I get the emailed list of 20 lingQs, I review those words and phrases which I want to use until level 3 which means that I reliably know it in context but not well enough to spontaneously use it in a conversation. One or more days after that, I review the words/phrases that were at a 3 level, turning them into “known” words/phrases.
I also write sentences with the highest priority words, phrases, talking about things that I am currently interested in. I have found that this extra attention solidly fixes the word/phrase in my head for independent use thereafter. Without it, I can recognize a word in context but cannot actively use it. Thus for me, in order to move words from passive recognition to active use, it is necessary to do more than just read and listen. I have to use them and writing new sentences that are meaningful to me – they are not abstract exercises – creates additional contexts so that I can then use the vocabulary in a conversation… People have different methods and you have to figure out which one works for you. The best method is one that keeps up your interest with successful forward progress. The more successful you are, the more likely you will continue.
Success breeds success.

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When i thought wasn’t getting enough words to review, I realized that had marked a lot of words as “5” or checked prematurely to say the least. I turned them all back to “4” and now only move them to "“5” when I’m really, really sure I don’t ever want to renew them again. I review 50 words a day but have finally understood Steve K’s point that reviewing the words in context by reading is more valuable than reviewing them in flashcards.

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It’s important to note that there are several review functions from which to choose on LingQ. Personally, I never use the flashcard or reverse flashcard functions since – from the beginning of my Russian learning before I ever came to LingQ – all my learning is context-based, appearing in a phrase that I am highly motivated to know and use at that moment.

I have found this particularly effective – if not necessary – for Russian which has grammatical cases (i.e., the endings of nouns, adjectives and pronouns all change according to how a word is used in a sentence). It is not merely necessary to learn the meaning of a new word, but what case it requires with what preposition and/or verb in order to understand its correct meaning when reading or listening as well as to in order to use it correctly in conversation or writing.

For this reason, I use the “c l o z e” review function that requires understanding the larger context in order to choose the appropriate answer as well as the multiple choice function. However, since most of my lingQs are phrases, not individual words, I am invariably reviewing new vocabulary in a CONTEXT. In addition, I often use the dictation function in order to move lingQs to “known.” In Russian, some of the case endings don’t necessarily sound differently but in order to write them correctly in the dictation exercise, I have to spell them correctly which requires a solid understanding of the grammatical structure of the phrase. I should note that doing the dictation simultaneously helps with listening comprehension since I am reviewing the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a phrase which is exactly how new vocabulary appears in natural speech. (In Russian, the pronunciation of individual words is affected what comes before or after them so it is important to hear how new words sound when embedded.) (By the way I did not use the dictation function when I first started LingQ but discovered its value later in helping aural comprehension. It is the most difficult to do but the most reliable indicator of how well I understand new material.)

While trying to memorize individual words on flashcards has never been part of my own approach in learning Russian, other exercises available on LingQ can be used effectively for context-based reviews of new vocabulary and grammatical patterns. Moreover, I have found that creating additional contexts by writing out meaningful sentences is the most effective way for me to learn vocabulary and grammar together as a “package.” This has the added benefit of reinforcing spelling and pronunciation since I say out loud everything that I write. Doing so is never boring since I am writing about things that I want to be able to use and in fact do make a point of incorporating in my Skype conversations with a Russian tutor. In short, there are many ways to incorporate interesting and effective context-based reviews in one’s language learning. “Review” is not not a dirty word!

The review function is pretty bad, at least for Japanese. For example the reverse flashcard always includes the hiragana with the word, making the function useless in trying to recollect a word. And there is no way to turn hiragana on when reviewing phrases, meaning there is really no way to review words in context using review tool.

Best way is to export to Anki, but even then you really get only one word at a time. I’ve often just take the sentences from the source material, exported them to anki, but that’s again a lot of time spent not actually studying. And what’s the point of even using Lingq at that point?

Due to the lacking of Lingq on this sector I’ve pretty much stopped using the site.

@Manatseri - You control the translation. If you don’t want the hiragana in it, just delete it. The idea is you choose or create the translation that you want. Adding furigana as an option during review is in our list of things to do. In saying that, we still feel that it is far more efficient and effective to review in context in the lessons than by using any kind of flashcarding, review, SRS tool. Those review tools are good for changing things up, focusing on challenging vocabulary or as a beginner when trying to get a toehold in the language. For general vocabulary acquisition for the long haul, though, it is simply too slow to learn that way. You need to learn tens of thousands of words.