
Hi Lingq Admins
When we import a lesson and add it to a course, on the right there is a list of all the lessons in that course. Is it possible to include a link to Add New Lesson at the top as well, to avoid scrolling down to the link that is now at the bottom?
After we save a lesson, it’s the upper part that shows up, and then we have to scroll down to add a new lesson.
If we choose Tasks/Import lesson, it is not included automatically in the same course, and we have to add it to the course we want afterwards. I’m trying to save time and clicks. :slight_smile:

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I support this idea! I guess I’ve asked for the same long time ago.

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Both links at the top and the bottom of the list would be useful.

Thanks for your suggestion, I will ask our developers if we are able to include “Add New Lesson” link at the top and will let you know when they respond. :slight_smile:

Just to let you know that we have added this to our wish list :slight_smile:

Thanks, that’s great news! :slight_smile: